FastAPI : SQLModel
2024. 11. 30. 13:51
- SQLModel :
- DB 라이브러리.
- SQLAlchemy + Pydantic = 기반으로 '직관적', '편리', '호환', '견고' 함.
- Features :
- Intuitive to write, Easy to use, Compatible, Extensible, Short
- ...
- Learn - ORMs :
- Python Code (classes and instances) <-> Database SQL 변환하는 라이브러리.
- "Object(OOP) <-> Relational(RDB)" Mapper
- Learn - User Guide :
- Automatic IDs, None Defaults, and Refreshing Data
- class Hero(SQLModel, table=True):
- id: int | None = Field(default=None, primary_key=True)
- name: str
- hero = Hero(name="이이이")
- session.add(hero) # after add -> Hero : id=None , name='이이이'
- session.commit() # after commit -> Hero : , Hero.ID : 1
- session.refresh(hero) # after refresh -> Hero : id=1 , name='이이이'
- class Hero(SQLModel, table=True):
- Read Data - SELECT
- select() : .all() = , .first() = , .one() =
- get() :
- Filter Data - WHERE
- SQLAlchemy adds some magic to the columns/fields in a model 클래스
- >>> Hero.name == "이이이"
<sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression object at 0x7f4aec0d6c90>
- >>> Hero.name == "이이이"
- 인스턴스 일땐!
- >>> hero.name == "이이이"
- >>> hero.name == "이이이"
- Multiple Expressions
- from sqlmodel import select, or_, col
- statement = select(Hero).where(or_(col(Hero.age) >= 35, col(Hero.age < 40)))
- SQLAlchemy adds some magic to the columns/fields in a model 클래스
- Update Data - UPDATE
- Delete Data - DELETE
- Connect Tables - JOIN
- # SELECT hero.*, team.* FROM hero LEFT JOIN team ON team.id = hero.team_id WHERE team.name = ?
- statement = select(Hero, Team).where(Hero.team_id == Team.id).where(...)
- 혹은
- statement = select(Hero, Team).join(Team, isouter=True).where(...) # LEFT OUTER
- results = session.exec(statement)
- hero, team = results[0]
- Indexes
- Relationship Attributes
class Team(SQLModel, table=True): id: int | None = Field(default=None, primary_key=True) name: str = Field(index=True) heroes: list[Hero] = Relationship(back_populates="team") class Hero(SQLModel, table=True): id: int | None = Field(default=None, primary_key=True) name: str = Field(index=True) team_id: int | None = Field(default=None, foreign_key="team.id") team: Team | None = Relationship(back_populates="heroes") # relationship 정의가 잘되있으면, 한번의 add() commit() 으로 일괄 처리됨! # team_id - team.id - Team - team - heroes 간의 관계를 알아서 잘 처리 해줌;; with Session(engine) as session: hero_0 = Hero(name="0") hero_1 = Hero(name="1") hero_2 = Hero(name="2") team = Team(name="ABC", heroes=[]) team.heroes.append(hero_0) team.heroes.append(hero_1) team.heroes.append(hero_2) session.add(team) session.commit() session.refresh(hero_0) session.refresh(hero_1) session.refresh(hero_2)
- back_populates : ...
- Cascade : ...
- Many to Many
- Automatic IDs, None Defaults, and Refreshing Data
- Learn - FastAPI User Guide :
- ...
- Learn - Advanced User Guide :
- Decimal
- table name
- validator
- UUID Model
- Timestamp Model
- Generic Repository
% (psycopg2.OperationalError) SSL connection has been closed unexpectedly 에러
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55457069/how-to-fix-operationalerror-psycopg2-operationalerror-server-closed-the-conn
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67872936/fastapi-psycopg2-operationalerror-server-closed-the-connection-unexpectedly
- SQLAlchemy pool_pre_ping