Spring Batch 란?
2019. 11. 6. 19:37
- Spring Batch 란?
- 손쉽게 "high-volume 배치작업"을 최적화 처리하는...
- Spring Batch 아키텍쳐
- JobRepository
- JobLauncher
- Job
- Step
- Tasklet
- Chunk
- ItemReader
- ItemProcessor
- ItemWriter
- Chunk
- Tasklet
- Step
- Job
- JobLauncher
- JobRepository
- Spring Batch Processing styles
- 1) "Chunk" Oriented : "Chunk" is used when both reading and writing the data item is required.
- 2) "Tasklet" Oriented : "TaskletStep" is used when either only reading or writing the data item is required.
- 설정
- Spring Batch는 @EnableBatchProcessing 어노테이션으로 자동설정 가능함.
- 기본적으로 해당 application context의 모든 Jobs이 실행 됨.
- 물론, 'spring.batch.job.names' 를 통해서~ 특정 Job만을 실행 할 수 도있음.
- ( If the application context includes a JobRegistry then, )
- ( the jobs spring.batch.job.names are looked up in registry instead of being autowired from the context. )
- ( This is a common pattern with more complex systems where multiple jobs are defined in child contexts and registered centrally. )
- Spring Batch 관련 테이블
- BATCH_JOB_INSTANCE : 등록된 배치 작업.
- BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION : 등록된 배치 작업의 실행 내역.
- BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION : 등록된 배치 작업의 Step별 실행 내역.